Dreams ask me why I am in the sky
I say, thats where you wanted me to be
They ask, Why you are the only one here
I say, this is a place for the best and that's me.
I say, I am successful And on top
Where you wanted me to be
Dreams say, you are all alone
And the worse you could be
Dreams ask me, when will I go back
Far-Far to ground, of what nothing they can see
I ask him, y u wanna go back
They've nothing there for you
For whatever you are gonna need
I have all the money there for you
Far-Far to ground, of what nothing they can see
I ask him, y u wanna go back
They've nothing there for you
For whatever you are gonna need
I have all the money there for you

Money I agree is all you have
But the time to spend is all you lack
Buy with some of the money you go
Some peace & love if you know
Love I say is long lost gone
Peace I say, I have never known
Where can I find them you tell me
I'm depressed you help me
Help they say is what you deserve to get
For that you have to go far far back
There, love and peace will all you get
And you'll get some friends, whom you'll never forget.
For that you have to go far far back
There, love and peace will all you get
And you'll get some friends, whom you'll never forget.
A comment on the written text and the writing style is every Authors right. So please honour me with the same..
Nice One Dude...
So true its always lonely at the top...
Unchaiyon ki Tanhahiyon se hum thak gaye aise...
isse to apno ke sang mitti pe the hum acche...
we in our whole LifeTime run behind the Money Success Power and left behind our loved ones, friends family but in the end we face the question WAS IT REALLY WORTH IT ? and we have only one answer... and you know it
So true and so hurtful.. I love this poem. Wish we could go back in time where there is love and peace and dreams
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