You can be what you want to be? or You are what you are?
As people say, Dreams are the Image of your soul, but is dreaming big what really that everybody's soul says? Or is it just what people tend to keep in front of them, to survive in the current scenario or the current competition in the market. Dreaming big can just be perceived as something that can be viewed as a challenge, that you keep in front of yourself and hence try to live up to it.
But on the Contrary, if your soul doesn't align with the Dream that you have kept for yourself, will you really be able to achieve it? And will that really be a fair deal playing with what you really want to be and what you are really here for? What capabilities that you really have and something that are you trying to achieve, just because of the fear of being left behind and defying your real capabilities.
These correspond to some of the questions that I have for myself from some time. This in a way shows the juggles that my mind goes through at times, and if you ask me what conclusions I have reached so far, I would say, if any conclusions I would have reached at, I wouldn't have been writing this.
Now days the most frequent sight that I have of others, and even at times of myself relates to the fact that we don't do things that what we really need to, or what we really want to, but rather do, what other wants or others think is important. Girls want to wear skirts because that is in fashion. Boys want Super bikes because they show them as powerful. But how good is it and how far can it really take you? Why don't we think what we really need, and try to achieve that than just following others lead.
Life gives you windows of opportunity on what you deserve to be, and what you have to be. Grabbing that will make you follow your own path but people tend to decline those opportunities and follow others and do what they ask of them. This leads to utter confusion in your inner self and hence creates an imbalance and makes you unstable and unhappy.
1 comment:
Well, I wanna ask a question! Do u believe there is something like knowing a person completely? I dont know but I think human nature has such a myriad possiblilities that it is just ur perception if u think u know somebody completely, and something which can never be achieved in real in totality and thus you cannot even judge anybody completely......think!
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