This is not about any software code that I am talking about here, for there are much bigger things to discuss when life is standing at a cross-road, than some code of software. What I am talking about here is the “code of life” that we all are living with knowingly, unknowingly.
Putting it across in a software engineer’s language, when you have designed and developed an application, after that all that time that you do is just run the exe file of the same and get the work done, and even you yourself forgets the code which is running underneath. Talking in the layman’s language, when you have learned to do something, decided about certain parameters in life, taken your decisions on how to do a certain job, and then after a certain amount of time, you know that this can be done and steps that you follow comes to you automatically, but the guidelines that you have decided on, can never be recalled.
After a certain point in time, if you need to break those same lines of code, which you now remember nothing of, by just looking at the running exe file, can you really do it? Only some of us face this problem on breaking your own code, and when it happens, let me assure you, it’s not easy and even recalling the protocol that you are following, is a damn tough job.
Now the question is, what can be the plausible cases on why do you have to break your own code? As my understanding says, they can be:
1. When you need change the course of your life.
2. When you are no longer satisfied by your own course, or
3. When you face someone who is exactly like you, and needs to break ‘em in order to survive.
Now what can be the solution for such a problem?
Even one of the famous hindi comics namely “Super Commando Dhruv” ’s version says, when a villain created exactly similar fighters of the comic heroes namely “Super Commando Dhruv”, “Dhananjay” & “Zhingalu”, it was quite impossible for the heroes to win. On fighting with them Dhruv realizes that they can’t beat them for they know all of their tactics, and this fight will go infinitely. So to beat their own self, they have to change the fighting partners amongst themselves and hence move ahead.
But this is not a possibility in life, for a change of partners is not possible when you are the only one fighting your own fight.
A tough fight lies ahead of you in such a case, and is there anything you can do? I am leaving you with this question, for I myself am finding an answer.