Thursday, October 23, 2008

Its not the end..


An eye turns on me

And I behold that look,

But my smile fades away

For that face has a question

A question that I could understand

But I am not ready to accept,

For life is not simple and not acceptable

But rather is still understandable

Her eyes tells me to leave,

To leave right away;

For she has oceans in her eyes,

Which are hard to behold.

The day is such,

That I wanna grant her wish;

But my inside wont agree,

If I wont see it with my own eyes.

A pair of lips on hers,

After vows from the two;

With cheers all around,

And just knots in my stomach.

Back home I came,

With emptiness all around;

Cheers astounding in my ears,

And her looks in my mind.

Life is not simple,

And now its not even understandable;

For this is the end,

And its not ok after all…

A comment on the written text and the writing style is every Authors right. So please honour me with the same..